Welcome to Saarathi’s Website. The information on this site is only meant for general information and business purposes. We request you to kindly read and review these Terms and conditions carefully before accessing or using our website.

By accessing and browsing Saarthi’s website, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and accepted, all the Terms and Conditions mentioned herein. You also acknowledge that any agreement with Saarathi, which conflict with these Terms and Conditions are superseded and of no force or effect.

Saarathi may modify these Terms and Conditions or discontinue with the website at any time without providing any written notice for the same. Any reference to the Terms and Conditions is reference to the Terms and Conditions as amended or modified by us. The Site and its contents are designed and maintained to comply with the current laws and regulations of India.

Using Site Information

All our users are free to browse, access, download or use information from the Saarathi website, including any text, sound, images, audio, and video for strictly non-commercial purpose, provided the user retains the copyright notice. The user cannot distribute, modify, reuse, re post or use the information available on the website for commercial purposes, without a prior written permission from Saarathi.

Everything visible or readable on the Saarathi website such as text, graphics, logos, icons, images, service marks are the registered, unregistered trademarks and the exclusive property of Saarathi.

These are protected by applicable legislations concerning protection and preservation of intellectual property rights and international treaties.


In spite of our efforts to keep the content on our website accurate, there might be a few areas having inaccuracies or typographical errors. Neither Saarathi nor any of its employees bear any liability or hold any responsibility for any such errors. We hereby disclaim all such warranties and conditions with regards to any product or any such inaccurate information on the website. For the purposes of this clause, a reference to Saarathi shall also adjudge to include a reference to the associates and employees of Saarathi.

User Information

Any information posted by the users through electronic media or otherwise such as data, questions, responses, feedbacks, etc is and shall be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary information and shall become the property of Saarathi. Saarathi may store or use such information for any purpose whatsoever, including but not limited to, reproduction, reposting, disclosure, re-transmission, publication, broadcast, for which the user is not entitled to get any compensation.

Further, the users also acknowledge that Saarathi, is free to store and use any ideas, concepts, techniques mentioned or available in user informations, for any purpose whatsoever without any compensation to the user, which includes and is not limited to, developing, manufacturing and marketing products.

Saarathi respects the privacy of its website users. We shall, under no circumstances, disclose your personal information to any third-party sites unless you have consented to such disclosure or where we are required to do so by law.

However, the website users are prohibited from altering the content of the site, posting or transmitting material which is against the law, threatening, defamatory, obscene, scandalous in nature, and constitute or encourage conduct that would be considered a criminal offence. In such cases, Saarathi shall cooperate with the law enforcement authorities and abide by the orders from the court requesting or directing Saarathi to disclose the identity of any user posting such information or materials.

External Links

The Saarathi website may contain links to other websites which are maintained by third parties. Saarathi has no control over these third party links and the inclusion of any such link on our website does not imply endorsement of any such website by Saarathi.

Saarathi and its employees do not make any warranties or representations of any kind with respect to the accuracy, or completeness of any information on these third-party websites and shall have no liability for damages of any kind to the user arising from such content or information.

Right  to Transfer

The right bestowed upon a user to access the Saarathi website is strictly nontransferable. Any password, right or access provided to a user with regards to obtaining information or documents from our website is nontransferable and remains the exclusive property of Saarathi.

Limitation of Liability

Using our website is the sole risk of the user. In no event shall Saarathi or any of its employees be directly or indirectly liable for any damages of any kind or nature, including without limitation, incidental, consequential, or any claims or losses, whether foreseeable or not; in connection with the creation or use of, or reliance on the site.

Copyright Notice

The entire contents of the Saarathi website are subject to copyright protection. Copyright © 2016-2017 Saarathi Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. The contents of the Site such as text, images, documents, etc should not be copied, downloaded, distributed, modified, reproduced, republished, or re transmitted under any circumstances without the prior written consent from Saarathi.


If any of the provisions mentioned in this Terms and Conditions is held to be unlawful, void or unenforceable, by a court of competent jurisdiction, then such a provision shall be taken seriously and acted upon. Meanwhile, 

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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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