Customized Marketing Solution

Customized Marketing Solution

The Market is not changing, it has already changed and there is no turning back. The marketing environment is also fragmented across customers, the consumer is the patient, the decision maker is a physician and the payer at times is a third party, the insurer. Developing an effective marketing strategy in such an environment requires a more customized and agile approach.

Saarathi’s rich expertise facilitates multiple stakeholder engagement opportunities that aid in the development of offerings customized to individual product needs through the product cycle.

Brand and product teams utilize our effective marketing solutions to support and augment their sales and marketing efforts at different stages of the product cycle.

Create and implement new and modern product strategy, including value proposition development for different customer groups.

Optimize interrelated marketing decisions including product positioning and Innovative technology
Augment sales efforts through constructive and technologically driven digital innovative solutions

Our Solution

Multichannel Marketing Solutions

Saarathi delivers Customer Engagement Solutions to pharma companies to meet their varied marketing needs. We partner with brand/product marketing, sales, service, and medical functions to advance their capabilities in engaging healthcare professionals in multiple channels of communication. Such capabilities have proven to improve reach and frequency, increase customer access, augment sales and enhance marketing campaigns.
Saraathi partners with pharmaceutical companies to accelerate the performance of their brands in different stages of their lifecycle. We facilitate multiple stakeholder engagement opportunities that aid in the development of offerings customized to individual product needs. We first understand the product and then work with our creative team to build communication that is driven by science for different therapy areas. Saarathi also provides innovative physician engagement solutions and education methodologies.

Direct Marketing Solutions

Saarathi delivers Customer Engagement Solutions to pharma companies to meet their varied marketing needs.We partner with brand/product marketing, sales, service, and medical functions to advance their capabilities in engaging healthcare professionals in multiple channels of communication. Such capabilities have proven to improve reach and frequency, increase customer access, augment sales and enhance marketing campaigns. Saraathi partners with pharmaceutical companies to accelerate the performance of their brands in different stages of their lifecycle. We facilitate multiple stakeholder engagement opportunities that aid in the development of offerings customized to individual product needs. We first understand the product and then work with our creative team to build communication that is driven by science for different therapy areas. Saarathi also provides innovative physician engagement solutions and education methodologies.

Digital Marketing Solutions

Digital Transformation is the future of healthcare where patients want on-demand healthcare, physicians and hospitals need big data insights, medical wearable devices are improving preventative medicine and virtual reality are helping doctors in better educational training and patient care. Saarathi helps clients strategize around the use of technologies — cloud, mobile, social media, analytics and automation — to better connect stakeholders in the healthcare platform to improve operations and quality; reduce risk; curtail costs and generate insights that drive better care. From different types of audio edit to gamification to social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing and data driven marketing, we deliver results in a time bound and measurable manner. Our strategies are focussed on increasing the reach and visibility of your business offerings.

We understand the importance of approaching each work integrally and believe in the power of simple.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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