With a Vision to “Democratize Healthcare World Over”

Saarathi partners with various stakeholders like patients, doctors, paramedics, retailers in the healthcare chain. Each month, our patient-centered disease management programs positively impact the lives of over 100,000 patients.
Saarathi stands out through its unique blend of deep healthcare knowledge and a passionate team, driven by years of experience.

Corporate Overview
Saarathi Healthcare Private Ltd is a dynamic Healthcare Company established in 2008 (Mumbai), by Founder and Director Ms. Ranjeeta Vinil. Founded with a vision to democratize healthcare world over, the company has always worked towards filling the gaps in healthcare deliverables.
Starting as a Patient-centric Disease Management Company, Saarathi conceptualized and launched one of the first disease management programs in India way back in 2008. Over the years the concept has gained prevalence and has managed to change healthcare deliverables in the country.

A paradigm shift in healthcare delivery – from episodic care to preventive care and chronic disease management.

Saarathi today has evolved into a fully integrated healthcare company with professionals from the field of pharmaceuticals, healthcare, technology, advertisement and communication to deliver customized and innovative solutions for better healthcare outcomes.
Today, we are a trusted name in the industry with a reputation for consistently delivering excellence and exceeding expectations. Since our inception in 2008, we have grown from strength to strength, earning accolades and awards for the work that we do. We have been recognized for our entrepreneurial spirit, and acknowledged for our passion to improve access to healthcare in India. In just 8 years, we have made our mark in India and have successfully entered into some key international markets.
Saarathi’s unique approach of creating customized solutions to meet specific client needs sets us apart and highlights our deep understanding of the healthcare space. Working with patients, while meeting their critical needs, has been a rewarding and fulfilling experience that keeps us inspired on our journey to “Democratize Healthcare World”.


Positively impact all verticals of healthcare deliveries to ensure our vision, by building symbiotic relations with all the stakeholders and creating innovative solutions beneficial to all.

Democratize healthcare world over. A world where the best possible healthcare is available to one and all.

The CSR initiatives are driven by our vision, philosophy and the need of the community, with health remaining our main focus. Over the years, Saarathi Healthcare Pvt. Ltd., is committed towards providing healthcare for numerous sections of the society. We not only make sure that our programs are efficient, but also ensure that they are sustainable and relevant to those meant to benefit from them

Stakeholder Report

Want to know more about us? Just contact us...

Patient - Centric Disease Awareness Campaigns

We work with patients stricken by chronic and acute ailments such as Cancer, Rheumatoid empower patients, providing support across various aspects of their care.

Healthcare Awareness Campaigns for the Public

Health education and awareness programs for the public are conducted on a regular basis. The motto is to empower people with adequate information to take informed decisions with regard to prevention and treatment of diseases

We understand the importance of approaching each work integrally and believe in the power of simple.

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(10am - 05 pm)

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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