Your privacy is important to us. Saarathi’s privacy policy is intended to instill your confidence in the privacy and security of the personal information we obtain from you.
However, we shall not be responsible for personal information which you share with the third-party applications or websites accessed via Saarathi’s website. It is recommended that you closely review and analyse the privacy policy of any third-party applications or websites that you use.
Collecting Personal Information
Saarathi collects information through multiple channels. When you use our Products or Websites, you may be asked to fill personally identifiable information which may include your name, address, date of birth, gender, email address, telephone number, etc.
By providing such information you give us consent to use it in the manner described in this policy. The personal information we may collect is used by us only for purposes such as responding to your inquiries, allowing you to access specific information of your interest, for in-house analytical research purposes and to provide you with better core services and products.
You may withdraw your consent at any time by emailing us at
Using Personal Information
We use personal information to process customer service requests, provide access to different sections of the websites and send out newsletters to our clients.
Periodically, we may even send a promotional email, notifying you of newly launched products, services and offers of your interest.
Having your information also helps us to improve our products and services, respond to your questions, build efficient communication, provide you with proactive customer service and for our internal record keeping.
We treat your personal information as strictly private and confidential and do not sell, trade, or transfer your personally identifiable information to outside parties. This, however, excludes trusted third parties, assisting us in operating our website,
Under certain circumstances we may release your information when it becomes essential to comply with the law, or when it comes to protecting ours or others rights, property, or safety.
If you do not wish to receive promotional information, you can send a mail to us at or, alternatively, on the emails we send, you can find a provision to opt out of receiving any further information.
Disclosing Personal Information
We shall under no circumstances, disclose your personal information to any third-party sites unless you have consented to such disclosure or where we are required to do so by law. In situations when a customer breaches our terms of use or if we are under a duty to disclose or share your personal data in order to comply with any legal obligation, we may disclose your information to a relevant authority. This may include exchanging your personal information with other companies and organizations for the purposes of protection against fraud and reduction of risk. However, the disclosure of personal information shall be done in a strictly controlled manner and made fully in accordance with the current governing law.
Cookies are small data files which may get saved on the computer when you visit a website. Our Websites may use cookies for authentication purposes, keeping track of visitor’s size and preferences, promotional campaigns, etc.
The Third-party advertisers, if any on our website may also use cookies for the purposes mentioned above. However, we do not accept any responsibility or liability for the use of cookies by such third parties’.
The data through cookies is only used for purposes of analysis after which it is removed from the system. Cookies give us no access to any additional information from your computer other than those you choose to share.
If you do not wish that cookies be placed on your PC, then you can simply disable them through the web browser. The option for the same can be found in the browser’s “security settings” section. However, permanently disabling cookies may prevent you from accessing full features of the website.
At Saarathi, we are committed to ensuring the security of your personal information. We employ robust and state of art security systems to ensure complete safety of patient data.
We undertake various measures and make use of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technologies to maintain adequate technical and organizational security measures. So there is no data loss, data misuse, unauthorized access and data disclosure.
Changes in Policies
Saarathi holds the right to amend its Privacy Policy without any prior notice as per the technological advancements, legal and regulatory changes, etc.
Changes in this policy will be posted on our Websites as and when it happens. You are advised to check our websites from time to time for the latest privacy policy.
The effective date of the revised Privacy Policy shall be mentioned below the paragraph.
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.