Saarathi Healthcare, the torchbearer infusing excellence in Patient-centric Disease Management stratum

The World is a bouquet of strong, bold, beautiful and courageous women who amidst of their darkest hours and share of struggles sparkled up to beat the hurdles and became the inspiration for others. One such inspiration Ranjeeta Vinil is a woman of undaunted spirit. While infusing her skills as a Head in Patient relationship management, she witnessed the reality of patient needs and gaps in the existing system which wanted to be addressed to transform the healthcare deliverables space in India. When good things were about to take off, she was detected with an early stage breast cancer. But she didn’t let the disease, treatments or other related complications stop her from reaching goals and achieving dreams despite she fought bravely, and survived with resolve. Her personal experience through the journey to recovery sparked her entrepreneurial spirit and led to the foundation of Saarathi Healthcare, in 2008.

In a chat with The CEO Magazine, Ranjeeta Vinil – Founder & Director, Saarathi Healthcare speaks about Saarathi’s unique entrepreneurial journey and how she charted the road to success,

“Saarathi’s entrepreneurial journey overcame a myriad of hurdles to reach where it is today. Being an innovative and unconventional concept that preached a patient centric healthcare delivery model and absolutely deviated from the existing practices in the Pharma industry, it was a jaw breaking job to sprout in the unmapped boundaries. However, our commitment to the cause encouraged us to pursue against all odds. Sweating blood and bones interwoven with determination and constant perseverance eventually convinced few companies which approached the concept rationally and agreed to adopt our concept on a trial basis. Saarathi’s first client was Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories which was soon followed by UCB and Novartis.

Each project was unique and brought challenges that were new in this space; they needed specific tailor made programs and had to be monitored very closely to ensure success. Finally, the positive feedbacks from patients served as a testimony to the efficacy of the concept and Saarathi’s capability to deliver. Today, we partner with majority of the top Healthcare companies in India who are convinced that a Patient centric approach is the way to take the healthcare industry forward. In the span of nine years, we have evolved from a patient and disease management company to one stop solution provider for all access/compliance and other related services. True to our vision the company will continue to remain at the edge of the innovation curve to optimally utilize all opportunities in the healthcare space for better treatment outcomes.”


We understand the importance of approaching each work integrally and believe in the power of simple.

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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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