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Our Vision
To Democratize Healthcare
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Engaging more than 50 top healthcare companies.
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Touching above 6,00,000 people yearly through patient screening
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Engaging more than 2,00,000 clinicians in varied specializations in a year
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Our vision is

To Democratize Healthcare world over.

What we do?

Your Preferred Partner in Healthcare

About Saarathi Healthcare

Why will you choose our services?

We Collaborate with Healthcare, Wellness & Insurance Companies, State Governments & Public sectors To reduce Disease burden In India since 15 years……

From Episodic to Preventive Care and Chronic Disease Management

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Healthcare Companies

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Patients / Consumers

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Awards Winner

Team member

We draw on our global network by team of experts.

Ms. Ranjeeta Vinil

Founder And CEO

Mr. Rajesh Kumar Jha

Chief Operating Officer

Mr. N. Venugopal

Sr. Partner: Singhania & Co. LL.P


  • 431/432 Lodha Supremus 2, A wing, Road No. 22, Wagale Estate, Thane West – 400604

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    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
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